Neha's Blog

Where the Party Starts


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The one reason why America is obese. It is the cause of diabetes, not type one, but type two. It is very hard to stay away from it, and it is very unhealthy. Two out of three people that eat it become hooked. Even I’m addicted. This addition is caused by the amazing chocolate.

Chocolate is amazing because of the things you can do with it. For example: peanut butter and chocolate, I mean come on, what genius came up with that. There is milk chocolate, chocolate milk, chocolate candy bars, chocolate pudding, chocolate ice cream, white chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate coved almonds, chocolate covered raisins, chocolate chips, chocolate cake, brownies, chocolate covered chocolate, chocolate bunnies, caramel and chocolate, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate truffles, chocolate mousse, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered bacon, Nutella, chocolate milkshakes, chocolate pastries, chocolate yogurt, hot chocolate, hot fudge, and chocolate sprinkles. As you can see, you can do a lot with chocolate.

Another reason why chocolate is amazing is because it tastes delicious. The creamy, gooey, mouth watering deliciousness melting into your mouth, oh how wonderful. Including the fact that chocolate is tastes good to everybody with different taste buds. Say that you don’t like the rich dark chocolate, go a little lighter, try milk chocolate or even white chocolate. If you like nuts, then Nutella or chocolate covered peanuts is your thing. See, chocolate is delicous to everybody.

Chocolate, yes it can’t be addicting, and yes it can be fattening, but it’s awesome so eat it.

One Comment

  1. I like your the way you described how chocolate tastes in your third paragraph. I also like how descriptive you were. Your post was well organized too.

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