Neha's Blog

Where the Party Starts

Favorite Apps

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These days it’s your electronics that define you. What pictures you have, what type of device you have, and what type of apps you have. I can tell the difference between my dad phone and my sisters phone even though they have the same model and case their apps are completely different. Apps are important because they reflect who you are. Here are some of my favorite apps:

iFunny: This app is very… weird. I just love this app so much, the puns always get me, and the jokes always(not really) crack me up. And I will never forget my love of fandoms or “things you should do in the elevator” joke. Sometimes even the surprise Patricks make me happy. This app is very.. interesting and you should check it out if you haven’t already.

Fat Booth: AMAZING!¡!¡! You can fatify your face! How amazing is that!! With on push of a button, you can see how your face will look like fat. And boothstache ,made by the same company, is also AMAZING. Sometimes I make a really fat person fatter, and then take that picture and put it in boothstache.

Netflix: You can watch anything, and everything(not really). I can watch hours of “Supernatural” or “Orange is the New Black”. I can also watch new movies or even find what movies I should watch under suggestions.

Flappy Birds: Probably the most annoying game of all time, and I suck at it. I’m not even touching the green tube yet I get blamed for touching it. And sometimes I have to tap the screen because if I don’t the bird touches the bottom tube, but it I do the bird touches the top tube!!! My highest score is a 4, and I can’t update the app because it is off of the App Store. But even though it is so annoying it sure  is addicting so download it.

Candy Crush: It is a very old game yet it is soooo addicting. One in a while I pick up my phone to play a level or two on it, and two games turn into three, three games turn into four and so on. Anyways it can be very addicting so don’t download it or instead of doing homework you will play candy crush and if you don’t do your homework your grades will down. When your grade go down will not be able to get into a college. No college means a poor job, and a poor job means no money. No money means bad home. Bad home leads to a weird disease. A weird disease means death because you are too poor to afford medical care, so don’t download this app.

As you can see, no average person would have my apps. These apps define me and who I am. Without them I would be a stranger to myself, and my devices wouldn’t be MY devices

One Comment

  1. I love Netflix too! Endless hours of The Vampire Diaries and How I Met Your Mother. I also like your cause/effect warning for Candy Crush, and how you tell us not to download it unlike your other apps.

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