Neha's Blog

Where the Party Starts

How To Ruin Friendships in 8 Simple Steps


You might have that one friend that always gets on your nerves. That one friend that just makes you want to rip your head off, or even just jump off a cliff every time they open their mouth. Do you want to get rid of them? If your answer is yes then follow these 8 easy steps:

First of all, you need to play a game of monopoly, but when they go to the restroom, grab that extra $500 bill! You need to beat your ‘friend’ at a rigorous game of monopoly, they will get mad, but they will get over it. This allows you to have your friend get mad at you from time to time. You also need to brag about this, like REALLY brag. You might think your bragging to much, but are you really? You want to get rid of this person, you don’t want them to come closer, so BE RUDE!! Beating them at monopoly will be helpful and needed.

Next, you want to delete their Netflix app. If they don’t have one(Why were you friends with them in the first place?) then delete an important app to them, like candy crush or possibly flappy birds. They will get mad, say your sorry but shrug it off like its no big deal. This is essential to the process of befriending them because they will think you won’t care. Deleting an important app will really make your friend mad, and she/he will question your friendship.

Afterwards, you need to disagree with your friend, don’t just disagree on the big things, disagree on the small things. Example: “Ugh, I hate the color pink” your friend says. ” Well I like the color pink! Tell me what is wrong with the color pink? Yea tell me (input name) what’s wrong with it! Oh wait you can’t answer that because pink is awesome!!! ” says you. As you can see, disagreeing with her/his every move can make them pretty mad.

Then, you need to make sarcastic jokes, or “no offense” comments. Examples: ” Wow, you sure look ugly, no offense.” or “Wow, you are dumb, just kidding, lol.” These comment will make them doubt your friendship again. Just grab at any opportunity to do this, this will probably drive them from your best friend to just a friend.

Now after completing the above steps you must do this step with precaution, embarrass your friend. It can be from a recording of a friends laugh(Mara) or a video of them dancing. You have to make this embarrassing moment public, this is the moment where they are showing a slight hatred towards you. As science shows, embarrassment is very hurtful towards the human heart, the moment is literally engraved in your heart. That is why you need to to embarrass your friend, she/he will never forgive you.

Next, you need to steal their food, don’t just steal a lousy cracker, or an M&m, go for the gold. A whole cookie, possibly his/her valentine’s present. Food is important to everyone, and stealing someone’s food such as..BACON, CHOCOLATE, or a drink can trigger some deep emotions. Stealing food will get them very mad. The best time to steal someone’s food is either in front of their own eyes or right after they tell you not to steal it.

Okay almost there. Now before the final step your need to do some lying. Say your friend asks you what you are doing on Friday. You Say you are attending your sister’s birthday party. Then next week say you are attending your sister’s birthday party. Your friend will realize that you are lying and will be even more mad.

— Your so called friend should be gossiping about you and how unfriendly you are being. If they aren’t, you have done the steps WRONG.

This is the last and final step, and this is the hardest of them all. Start a fight. Example:

Scene- cafeteria lunch

“Hey, do you want those cookies on your plate?” says you.
“Yeah, no duh. Why do you always steal my food?” says your ‘friend’.
” I never steal your food!!”
“Yes you do, and you also lie to me a lot! I know you can’t have a birthday party twice a week!”
“Okay, that one time..”
“It’s like your trying to avoid me!”
“I am not!”
“And you always brag, embrass, and annoy me!”
” Well maybe we should be friends then!”

Of course your conversation will vary but overall that is how it should be like! See it’s not hard to get rid of that annoying friend of yours, just follow these 8 simple steps.


  1. Stealing food–wow, now that’s low! Especially the whole cookie move.

    Love the voice in this.

  2. I love how you put voice into your writing. I really enjoyed reading it and might have to try it sometime. I love the stealing food idea and all of the dialogue you uses. Good job!

  3. your blog is amazing. You taught me how to loose a friendship, and how to delete Netflix apps.

    • Thank you so much, that is so nice! And I’m very happy that I got the message across on how to loose a friend.

  4. Your blog is the funniest thing I have read all day! Now I have many tips and ways to get rid of a bad friend. Thanks, this really mad me laugh!\.

    • Thank you! This was meant to be a humorous piece and I am very happy to hear that someone got a laugh out of it!!

  5. *sarcastically*I feel truly honored to be featured in your blog post in paragraph 6. *not sarcastically* And I also like how you used voice in your writing and the ideas you gave me. I can tell you that cheating in Monopoly is 100% effective in ruining all friendships.

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