Neha's Blog

Where the Party Starts

February 6, 2014
by nehak
1 Comment


The one reason why America is obese. It is the cause of diabetes, not type one, but type two. It is very hard to stay away from it, and it is very unhealthy. Two out of three people that eat it become hooked. Even I’m addicted. This addition is caused by the amazing chocolate.

Chocolate is amazing because of the things you can do with it. For example: peanut butter and chocolate, I mean come on, what genius came up with that. There is milk chocolate, chocolate milk, chocolate candy bars, chocolate pudding, chocolate ice cream, white chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate coved almonds, chocolate covered raisins, chocolate chips, chocolate cake, brownies, chocolate covered chocolate, chocolate bunnies, caramel and chocolate, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate truffles, chocolate mousse, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered bacon, Nutella, chocolate milkshakes, chocolate pastries, chocolate yogurt, hot chocolate, hot fudge, and chocolate sprinkles. As you can see, you can do a lot with chocolate.

Another reason why chocolate is amazing is because it tastes delicious. The creamy, gooey, mouth watering deliciousness melting into your mouth, oh how wonderful. Including the fact that chocolate is tastes good to everybody with different taste buds. Say that you don’t like the rich dark chocolate, go a little lighter, try milk chocolate or even white chocolate. If you like nuts, then Nutella or chocolate covered peanuts is your thing. See, chocolate is delicous to everybody.

Chocolate, yes it can’t be addicting, and yes it can be fattening, but it’s awesome so eat it.

January 31, 2014
by nehak

Supernatural Addiction

What’s supernatural? Who watches that show? WELL, supernatural a is a horror T.V show that is viewed by MANY! And it is one of the MOST watched horror television shows ever!

Supernatural addiction is very common, and you will suffer painfully.
How to know if you have supernatural addiction:

– If you an go through one entire season of supernatural in 1 week or less.
– If you sign up to supernatural fan pages or look for supernatural jokes online.
– If you are bored out of your mind when you have finished and the episodes and then you decide to just rewatch everything.
– If you get a Netflix account just because you want to watch supernatural.
– If you spend hours looking up spoilers and/or free episodes.

If you have these symptoms or even 2 of them you are truly addicted and you need treatment, quick.
Try finding a new series you like, or just go cold turkey.

January 16, 2014
by nehak
1 Comment


I just read the book Divergent and it was amazing. Not like okay, I might recommend it,  but the kind where you will run around the hallways screaming “READ THIS BOOK”. That is how much I like this book.

I feel like I am mostly a Dauntless girl, you know the kind that like physical combat and tattoos/piercings. The writer was so good explaining the problems emotionally and physically Tris faced. I really likes the description of everything because I could visualize a lot of what she was saying. I L❤️VED all the mystery and questions you have in the beginning of the book and the end. It is an amazing trilogy.

November 17, 2013
by nehak

My Camera

Dreams always seem to be a blur after you wake up. You try to remember them, but you just can’t, they are distant. Of course, you can always remember snip bits about them, or even what they are about. Maybe if the dream is significant enough you can possibly remember it but it will be very vague.

They are like memories, memories fade, memories are distant, and memories are sad, or memories are happy.

November 7, 2013
by nehak

Catching Fire

The Hunger Games series is my all time favorite series, of course Harry Potter holds its first place spot like always. The books, well lets just say its like the Twilight love story, with more of a twist.

I remember in 5th grade when everyone was obsessing over them, and when I would say I never read them mouths would draw open. Then one fine day the sun was shining and the birds were chripping, and I picked up the novel that would soon be my life, and I fell in love.

I read the rest of series like a blur, staying up till twelve in the night reading about Katniss and her love for Prim, reading about Haymitch and Peeta. Who would of known that I could love a series of books so quickly!

October 24, 2013
by nehak

Jellybeans– Deserts

     All of my blog visitors ask me, “Why do you have jellybeans as a headboard?”. Well, why not, or why do you think I have a headboard of jellybeans? I just hate jellybeans so much that I’ll put it as a headboard. I put jellybeans as a headboard because I love jellybeans, god’s finest creation stored in a sugar-filled bean. Matter of fact, I love desserts, they are delicious and so fun to make. It’s way better than normal meals.

     First of all, you can design desserts. You can put a smiley face on a cupcake, can you do that to a piece of steak? Making desserts help your cooking skills too. Just like learning helpful ways to ice with a icing tube- or even how to make a normal cupcake into a edible frog! I know I might seem like a freak that really likes making desserts but they are so amazing. <-Check out the link!  

October 9, 2013
by nehak

7th Grade

7th Grade has been tough. The homework load and the classes. I really don’t know what I would of done if I didn’t have choir to let me relax, especially lunch. Sometimes, when it get hone I just want to sleep or watch TV. But every time I do those things I have the weight of the homework on my back. Why is 7th grade so much more harder than 6th grade? I guess it’s because they expect more from you. The transitions from 2nd to 3rd grade, 5th to 6th grade, and 6th to 7th grade have definitely been the hardest transitions. I think that 7th grade is my slow point. It’s where I am struggling and just plain old tired. 

Comment below if you think the same way.

September 9, 2013
by nehak


Everyone has there own special talent(s). It can be from licking your elbow, or being a music prodigy. I think that these talents distinguish us from one and another and they make us very different. Some can be genetic, and some can be practiced and practiced until perfect. 



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